Induction - Welcome Onboard



Welcome to The Study Hub Tuition

We are excited to have you onboard and part of our team. In this induction you will complete a series of modules to help you better understand:

Who WE ARE & WHAT we do!

Your role and responsibilities as a tutor

Our policies and procedures


There are 4 modules in total and will take you about 30-45 minutes to complete. 

This module will cover how we work and that includes:

  • How to accept new students, schedule sessions and confirm lessons when they are completed. You’ll learn about our payment system, when you can expect payments to go through and when payment is made.
  • We’ll explore what it means to be a Study Hub Tutor and show you how to bring out the best in the young people you work with. We’ll look at planning your lessons and the resources and additional training available to you.
  • In order to be the best, we maintain strict quality guidelines that we need you to adhere to. These include things like child safety, timely responses to communications and transparency.